Action plan for air quality improvement in Brno
The Action Plan for Air Quality Improvement Brno - 2023 defines the City of Brno's primary objectives and approach in air quality management. The Action Plan sets out a framework of measures that will directly or indirectly lead to emission reductions, air quality improvements, or public awareness of the impact of air pollution sources on air quality and human health. The primary objective of the Action Plan is to reduce air pollution in the city of Brno below the annual limits set by law and gradually move towards the WHO limits (2023).
The Action Plan for Air Quality Improvement Brno - 2023 is based on the Action Plan for Air Quality Improvement Brno - 2020 document. The measures of the previous Action Plan have been evaluated in terms of their further potential and possibilities of implementation and possibly supplemented with measures resulting from currently addressed problems in the field of air protection. The measures resulting from the Brno Agglomeration Air Quality Improvement Programme CZ06A, update 2020 (issued by the Ministry of Environment on 24 November 2020) were also reflected in the development of the updated Action Plan.
Initial assumptions for the development of the action plan:
The modeled five-year average concentrations (defined according to Section 11(6) of Act No.201/2012 Coll.) for 2017-2021 in the territory of the City of Brno do not exceed the existing concentration limits, except the annual average BaP concentrations. The annual average concentrations of BaP exceeded the current guidelines in Bohunice and Brno Jih districts. According to the five-year average guideline to limit concentrations for 2017-2021, the concentration limits for all monitored characteristics are met in other parts of the city. In previous years, the annual average recommended limits for concentrations of the pollutant NO2 were exceeded significantly at stations affected by traffic. As of 2019, the concentration limit is no longer met here.
At the same time, a trend of higher PM10 concentrations could be observed in the past years in locations with intensive construction activities, where the concentration limits for average daily PM10 concentrations were exceeded (Brno - Úvoz (2018), Brno - Zvonařka (2020)). As of 2019, the measured concentrations of pollutants at all AIM stations in Brno (except sites affected by construction activities taking place in their vicinity) are within the relevant concentration limits for annual average and short-term concentrations. In 2021, approximately 7.75% of the area within the city of Brno (Brno agglomeration) surpassed concentration limits. This occurrence stems from annual average concentrations of BaP, primarily originating from local heating sources
Problem areas of individual districts
Brno-jih, Brno-střed, Královo Pole, Židenice, Brno-sever
- Impact of traffic - especially along roads in dense development with insufficient capacity (formation of traffic jams), for example, Brno-Svatoplukova station.
- Stations:Brno-Svatoplukova, Brno-Výstaviště, Brno-Uvoz, Brno-Zvonařka, Brno-Arboretum
Bosonohy, Starý Lískovec, Bohunice, Kohoutovice, Nový Lískovec, Jundrov
- In some areas, more pronounced influence of burning of plant material (e.g., gardening colonies in Jundrovo, etc.); in some areas, also the influence of traffic (locally along roads of higher categories)
- Station: Brno-Lány
Líšeň, Vinohrady, Maloměřice, Obřany, Černovice, Chrlice, Tuřany, Slatina
- In peripheral districts, a more substantial influence of local heating can be expected (e.g., Obřany, Chrlice, Tuřany)
- Impact of traffic - e.g., at transit traffic locations in Slatina
- Stations:Brno-Tuřany, Brno-Líšeň
Žabovřesky, Žebětín, Komín, Bystrc, Kníničky
- In peripheral districts, a more substantial influence of local heating can be expected (e.g., Žebětín, Kníničky)
- Station:Brno-Kroftova
Ivanovice, Jehnice, Medlánky, Ořešín, Řečkovice, Mokrá Hora, Útěchov
- In these more peripheral neighbourhoods, a more pronounced effect of local heating can be expected.